Tuesday, November 10, 2009

slow the train....

the urge , the need

to sew the seed

industrial valley's we breed

recline , decline from thought

land is bought , sort after

laughter rings sings a wicked song

write wrongs

the spoken word too seldom heard

the dark stark naked truth

ruthless facts weight intact

we dont react till pennies drop

we cease to shop

shoplift the earth

recessions birth

hurt , we revert to older way's

the good old days

acknowledge signs

of broken glass and fractured minds

slow down this train

we must refrain...


  1. Nice writing Kayden! I'm digging this, get the rest of your stuff down on here, I know you got more. You powering up for your trip? Sounds intrepid!! Green with envy! I'll be in the South next year March, probably mostly Eastern Cape to see the family- been 3 years already. Get Jado and pull down to the Gran's for the weekend. Later Lukas.

  2. good work man
    keep on being real

    gal from israel
