Wednesday, January 6, 2010

When is enough... enough !

Losing the planet's biological treasures at a rate of knots , the planet's surface of which 14% was once covered by rainforest and has now diminished to a mere 6 percent and estimated to be virtually depleted in the next 50 years.

Losing an acre and a half per SECOND , (roughly a football pitch) for the purpose of logging and in the process losing over 100 species of plants, animals and insects per DAY , how many vaccines do we insist on wasting?

Since the early 1900's European colonialist's have manged to eradicate in the range of 90 indigenous tribes in and around the Amazon basin , and with them medicine men and Shaman , thousands of years of accumulated knowledge of traditional healing purely for the sake of the green back dollar.

A pseudo sense of wealth we so vehemently rely on , a system based not on truth or integrity , brotherhood or a sense of community, but rather on greed , consumerism and waste. Is the current global economic meltdown not a big enough warning sign? Is it not a clear description of how this current monetry system is flawed?

I fear the day when the average man in the emerging economies of China and India trade in their bicycles for cars, their horse and cart for motorbikes , their factories and urban sprawl eating up the countryside to sustain this illusion of wealth and social status whilst regurgitating carbon by by the truck load , fuck it who needs glaciers anyway..

If we as a society are so hell bent on accumulating wealth ( cash ) is it not possible to create a low carbon economy based on the idea of sustaining the planet , reconfiguiring business as we know it to be pro green , still to turn your anual profit ( if you so must ) but under the umbrella of a global economy that is as driven enviromentally as it is financially.

Which brings us to sustainable development which I feel is a term very loosely thrown around but until the day that our socio-economic policies have a COMPLETELY SYMBIOTIC relationship with our environmental resources we do NOT have sustainable development.

Well on that note , I thinks it's time for some Fair Trade coffee... ciao for now.

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